The Theory of Evolution


The theory of evolution was developed by Charles Darwin (and supported by others such as Alfred and Wallace, Joachim Barrande). It proposes that all life is related and descended from a common ancestor. Darwin states in The Origin of Species that evolution is a gradual process where complex creatures have naturally evolved over time from more simplistic ancestors. He purports that as random genetic mutations occur within the genetic code of an organism, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival. Over time, the beneficial mutations accumulate, resulting in an entirely different organism.

Proponents of the theory of evolution have gone as far as to suggest that the development of life from non-life is from inanimate matter. Such matter never attempted to survive or tried to maintain its integrity under any circumstances. Atheist biologists would have us believe that evolutionary processes are mindless and purposeless, but the problem is how such purposeless processes result in such a purposeful result as survival.

The other contribution of Darwin to the philosophy of life was a new mechanism to explain the origin of species, which he called “Natural Selection”. This implies that members of a species who have accumulated some advantageous genetic mutations are going to survive, passing them onto their offspring, and they onto theirs, whilst the inferior members of the same species would gradually die out. Because of the assumption of Natural Selection, Darwin concluded that such a mechanism could produce variations in animal populations, and could therefore explain all of the variety of living organisms we observe in biology. Darwinists have even gone so far as to suggest that the common denominator of the origin of life evolved from non-life matter! This assertion was strenuously resisted both by Gregor Mendel as well as Luis Pasteur, quite successfully.

In the 152 years that have elapsed since Darwin’s publication of The Origin of Species (1867) there have been enormous advances in molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics, which make the flaws in Darwin’s theory stand out quite clearly.

At the superficial level, Darwinism is not an unreasonable explanation regarding the origin of living organisms. However, to the critical mind it does appear to possess significant gaps which cannot be explained, even by the best of intentions.

There are two main objections:

  1. Natural Selection and Survival.

If all living matter has a common ancestor, developed through “mindless and purposeless” accumulation of atoms, how could such a process produce a very purposeful and beneficial result as survival? Darwinists would possibly answer that this is the result of “Natural Selection”. Survival depends on evolution, and evolution depends on survival. Now, everyone can see that the discussion becomes a circular argument, and the problem remains unresolved. So, the question is resolved in the negative – proving Darwin incorrect!

  1. The Role of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

This molecule is the building block of all living matter (discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953). It is the messenger system in all organisms. To allege that DNA arose by random material forces is to say that information can arise by such forces. DNA is a molecule with two strands twisted into a helix, like a spiral staircase, whilst the steps of the staircase are made up of amino acids, to which are attached pairs of molecules, each pair containing the genetic information of the individual. This information is transmitted to the various cells of the living organism as necessary. With the continuous study of the DNA molecule, we now understand that organic life is based on a vast system of complex information code, and this single-handedly defeats any theory that assumes life arose through materialistic forces. Such information cannot be created or interpreted without a Master Designer at the cosmic keyboard. In fact, Dr Francis Collins, eminent scientist and leader of the international Human Genome Project which first sequenced human DNA in 2003, helped write the US President’s speech announcing this important milestone: “Today we are learning the language in which God created life. We are gaining ever more awe for the complexity, the beauty, and the wonder of God’s most divine and sacred gift”!


Source: Lychnos Feb 2019 / Mar 2019